Thursday, July 07, 2016

life in the woods.

We have a game camera set up to watch the comings and goings of  animals around the hog trap we set upon Monday. The trap is being kept open to observe and get the wary pigs comfortable to go inside. The trigger to release the door and trap the pigs inside will be set next week.

The other animals to visit the trap were a raccoon, and several deer.

As you can see, the hogs were wary to go inside the trap, and stood on the outside looking in.

In the meantime, I spent part of the day yesterday splitting firewood for next season or the year after that, as it seems the mild winter of 2015-16 left most of my fireood prepared for last winter untouched.

In the wood shop, I've cut small pieces of 28 different Ozark wood species, that I plan to turn on the lathe.

Make, fix, create, and offer others the encouragement to learn likewise.

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