Thursday, October 16, 2014

how to make a kid

Popular Mechanics Magazine, in a special DIY issue, has an article called How to Make a Kid (Who Can Make a Boat). I figure the purpose of Popular Mechanics Magazine has always been to get people of all ages making things, but this issue seems to have stated the concern better than most and I thank Mario for forwarding it to me. A real kid is not made by sex alone. Human beings are made more complete when they are engaged in crafting their realities, hands-on.

Today the Clear Spring School kids and most of the staff are going on the fall camping trip. Some might think that camping is simply a recreational activity. It is much, much more. We regard it as an outdoor learning school. It is multidisciplinary. The kids are organized into patrol groups and learn to accept responsibilities to care for each other. They elect leaders and do real things.

Yesterday in preparation, the kids made pancakes and salsa. At camp, while some are preparing meals others are tending the fire, cleaning up, and performing other assigned roles. During the day, students learn from park rangers and authorities on nature. At night, they look after each other. Of course a team of teachers and parents are never far away. Camping is a thing that all children should have the opportunity to do in school, and is a long-standing tradition and method of learning at Clear Spring School.

Make, fix and create...

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