Friday, February 27, 2009

recess eliminated

Here in the city of Eureka Springs recess has been eliminated from public middle school.

Here is what the Alliance for Childhood says:
Most Americans from all cultural backgrounds are more familiar with “direct instruction” teaching methods based on teaching discrete skills isolated from children's interests and activities. But research shows that the exploratory and creative activity that young children initiate themselves (play) is the primary way they develop concepts and understanding about the world. Play helps children develop the skills necessary for critical thinking and leadership. Play is how children learn to solve problems and to feel good about their ability to learn.
I'm sure the school has its reasons. Perhaps more time is required to prepare for government mandated standardized test. Teachers want the children to do well at those so they will be rewarded with incentives and bonus income. Or perhaps children, being unschooled in problem solving are mean to each other when unsupervised, and therefore not to be trusted on the playground. Either case spells decline for our nation and for our children.

When our actions are in direct conflict with what we know to be true, we descend from rationality to chaos.

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