Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Today with the Diablo Woodworker's class, we continued mortising and tenoning parts for the rocking chairs. This evening after class we had a small meeting with area high school teachers to introduce a competition the Diablo Club is sponsoring to stimulate a renewed interest in woodworking education. The Diablo Woodworker's Club sets a very high standard for community involvement. I believe that those who understand so clearly the role of the hands in learning have a responsibility to share what they know with those who just don't get it. Part of the challenge is developing the language and evidence through which we can shift our nation's understanding of education. It won't be easy. But we are making progress, and the woodworking clubs in our communities are leading the way. The photo above is cutting leg tenons on the table saw. The photo below is of a student's carving for a chair back.

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